US Holiday 2025:Full list of federal and non-federal holidays

us holiday today:Various holidays are recognized across the U.S. in 2025, including both federal and non-federal observances. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) lists 12 federal holidays, while President Joe Biden has declared January 9 as a national day of mourning for former President Jimmy Carter.

Though 2025 has just begun, many are already marking their calendars with upcoming holidays and observances. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) recognizes 12 federal holidays across 11 days this year, due to Inauguration Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day both falling on January 20. On these federal holidays, government offices, banks, and financial markets typically close.

US Holiday 2025

Every year, on the third Monday in February, American citizens recognize each U.S. president in tandem with George Washington’s birthday. Originally, George Washington’s birthday was celebrated nationwide on the actual day, February 22. However, after Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act in 1968, the day moved to the third Monday in the month.

In 1951, the idea for Presidents’ Day was proposed — a day to commemorate not just the contributions of Washington but that of every individual who had served in office. And while many now refer to the holiday as Presidents’ Day, the name was never universally changed. In fact, New York, Illinois, Virginia, Iowa, and Florida still refer to the Monday as Washington’s birthday or George Washington’s Day.

US Holiday Calendar 2025

Though the law recognizes Presidents’ Day as a federal holiday, this does not mean that individuals working for private businesses are required to have two days of work off.In fact, a federal holiday doesn’t guarantee workers will get even one day off as they apply only to federal government employees and institutions. It is up to individual employers to decide whether they offer time off or additional pay for work on federal holidays.

In addition to the official OPM list, President Joe Biden has declared January 9 a national day of mourning to honor former President Jimmy Carter following his passing. Here’s a full rundown of the key holidays and observances in 2025. This list is as per the list released by the Office of Personnel Management.

What is Presidents Day?

    • Originally established to honor George Washington, the first American president, this federal holiday is officially known as Washington’s Birthday. 

    • According to the Julian calendar, Washington was born on February 11, 1731. His birthdate was changed to February 22, 1732, when Britain and its colonies switched to the Gregorian calendar in 1752.

 • The popular moniker Presidents Day originated from the holiday’s placement between the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln.

How did Presidents Day become a Federal Holiday?

Congress declared February 22 a holiday for all government employees in 1885. In order to establish long weekends and lessen midweek disturbances, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act later in 1971 shifted it to the third Monday of February.

Presidents Day 2025: What is closed?

    • On Monday, February 17, 2025, in honor of Presidents Day, a number of institutions will be closed:

• Government Offices- All government offices will be closed, including federal, state, and local ones. 

    • Stock Markets- On Tuesday, February 18, regular trading will resume on the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq. 

    • Bond Markets- The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association has announced that the U.S. bond markets would similarly be closed until February 18. 

    • U.S. Postal Service- No postal services or mail delivery will be offered. 

    • Banks- In honor of the holiday, the majority of banks will be closed.

Presidents Day 2025: What is open?

Several institutions will be closed on President’s Day, however, some businesses will stay open, such as: 

    • Restaurants- The majority of eateries will be open and few might have holiday-related deals. 

    • Retail Stores & Grocery Stores- Shopping malls, supermarkets, and major stores will continue to run normally.

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Federal holiday schedule

Wednesday, Jan. 1: New Year’s Day

Monday, Jan. 20: Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, Jan. 20: Inauguration Day

Monday, Feb. 17: Washington’s Birthday

Monday, May 26: Memorial Day

Thursday, June 19: Juneteenth

Friday, July 4: Independence Day

Monday, Sept. 1: Labor Day

Monday, Oct. 13: Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Tuesday, Nov. 11: Veterans Day

Thursday, Nov. 27: Thanksgiving Day

Thursday, Dec. 25: Christmas Day

Non-Federal holiday schedule

Wednesday, January 29: Chinese New Year

Sunday, February 2: Groundhog Day

Friday, February 14: Valentine’s Day

Friday, February 28 (tentative): Ramadan begins

Tuesday, March 4: Mardi Gras

Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday

Monday, March 17: St. Patrick’s Day

Friday, April 18: Good Friday

Sunday, April 20: Easter Sunday

Monday, May 5: May Day and Cinco de Mayo

Sunday, May 11: Mother’s Day

Saturday, June 14: Flag Day

Sunday, June 15: Father’s Day

Monday, October 20: Diwali

Friday, October 31: Halloween

Saturday, November 1 – Sunday, November 2: Day of the Dead

Friday, November 28: Black Friday

Monday, December 1: Cyber Monday

Sunday, December 14: Hanukkah begins

Wednesday, December 24: Christmas Eve

Wednesday, December 31: New Year’s Eve

Find the list in full below:

New Year’s Day: Wednesday, January 1

Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Monday, January 20

Inauguration Day: Monday, January 20

Presidents’ Day: Monday, February 17

Memorial Day: Monday, May 26

Juneteenth National Independence Day: Thursday, June 19

Independence Day: Friday, July 4

Labor Day: Monday, September 1

Indigenous Peoples’ Day (also observed as Columbus Day): Monday, October 13

Veterans Day: Tuesday, November 11

Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, November 27

Christmas Day: Thursday, December 25

Other important days to note:

Valentine’s Day: Friday, February 14

St. Patrick’s Day: Monday, March 17

Good Friday: Friday, April 18

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